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Giving effective feedback

Your input is so important to this project. I may not get everything right on the first try and that’s okay. Here’s how you can provide me with effective feedback, so I can really earn the money you’re paying me for your site. The magic happens when your hard-earned skills and expertise come together with mine.

Here’s how you can give me good feedback:

  • Be honest. If you don’t like something, I need to know – now, not three weeks down the road.
  • Be specific. Point out what, exactly, is not working for you, and why it’s not working.
  • Ask why. If you aren’t sure what I was thinking, I’d love to explain my reasoning. Everything I’ve done for the project has a purpose.
  • Refer to your goals. Relate every piece of criticism back to your goals.
  • Relate to your audience. Your audience should be top of mind for every decision or critique that you provide. What do they need? What will they love?

(Adapted from Paul Jarvis’ awesome version. Pjrvs.com)

Your input is so important to this project. I may not get everything right on the first try and that’s okay. Here’s how you can provide me with effective feedback, so I can really earn the money you’re paying me for your site. The magic happens when your hard-earned skills and expertise come together with mine.